Business name : Folsom Lake Yacht Club

One of this issues the club faces when putting on an event is knowing how many people might attend.

A perfect example of this is the Steele Cup regatta scheduled for 8/16. We might get 5 banshees or 25 (ok, maybe 15). And we might get 3 Lido 14’s or we might get a whole bunch. We really don’t know. And not knowing makes it very difficult to plan. How much food & drinks do we bring for the potluck? How many (expensive) trophies do we need to purchase?

To help us figure these things out, the website now has a new feature which I call Let Us Know!

You can get to it from the FLYC home page (look at the left column) or the events page (look at the top). When you get to it, you will be able to select an event and indicate that you are planning to attend, and you can also see who else has said they are planning to attend. Just enter your name (or to be sneaky, your initials) and your boat type (if its sailing event) and then click on the button. The list will be instantly updated any your entry will be at the bottom.

Just to be clear, you are NOT committing to be there rain or shine. Nobody will hold it against you if you do not come. It’s just a way for us to gauge how many people might be attending the event.

Let us know what you think about this feature, and if you have any suggestions to make it better.
