Niantic Bay Yacht Club is a private organization whose purpose is the education of youth and others in general navigation and seamanship, and to that end, provide for the teaching and practice of a knowledge thereof; to purchase, mortgage, lease and sell real estate and personal property to maintain a building on Niantic Bay and an anchroage therein; to own and operate boats; to conduct sailing races; to promote yachting and a knowledge thereof in Niantic Bay and adjacent waters […]
Are you looking for an exhilarating day on the open sea, carefree cruising, an exciting vacation experience, comfort, and a well maintained yacht? Do you appreciate personalized service, provided by a warm, friendly and helpful staff? Windward Sailing has been offering this and more to its members for 40 years in beautiful Newport Beach. When you sail with Windward you benefit from a wide variety of vessels ranging in size from 28′ to 44′. You sail our vessels without the […]
Established in 1929 for the purposes of planning a powerboat race between Long Beach and San Francisco. The proposed race would be run during the San Francisco Motor Boat Show to provide advertising for the show and Northern California boating industries. The Associated Boating Industries of Northern California wrote Daniel M. Callis, Sr., a Long Beach architect active in boating and local yacht clubs requesting a Long Beach area club act as the Southern California host of the race. His […]
The Lido Junior Sailing Foundation (“the Foundation”) was created as a result of a generous bequest by the late LIYC Commodore and Mrs. Marty Lockney. The Foundation is a California non-profit public benefit corporation recognized by the Internal Revenue Service under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to the Foundation are deductible as charitable contributions to the extent permissible by the Internal Revenue Code. The purpose of the Foundation is to support sailing, seamanship and life-skills, including sportsmanship, […]
Lake Mission Viejo Yacht Club is located at a private lake and is a part of the Lake Mission Viejo Association. Membership is open to all members of the Lake Association. In the true sense of Corinthian Sailing, our goal at LMVYC is to promote sailing, to encourage good fellowship among yachtsmen afloat and ashore, and to introduce non-boat-owning amateur sailors young and old to the sport of sailing. Informal sailing lessons are provided free of charge to new members. […]
his year marks the 180th Australia Day Regatta, making this the oldest continuously-conducted annual sailing regatta in the world. Why not be a part of it! Narrabeen Lakes Sailing Club is hosting the 2016 Sabot Australia Day Regatta on Saturday 23rd January 2015, in conjunction with the Southern NSW Sabot Sailing Association and under the authority of the Australia Day Regatta Management Committee. It promises to be a great event, with 1-up, 2-up and Green fleet sailors invited to attend. […]
In 1939, local sailors Togo Middows and George Griffin, were the prime movers in the formation of the Middle Harbour Cruising Yacht Association. Early that year, Togo invited a small group, including Griffin, to his home in Mosman, where the formation of a club was proposed. The first official meeting was held in the Griffin Brothers’ Boatshed at the Spit. Mr Dick Down, a life member and past Commodore of the Sydney Amateur Sailing Club, was invited to be President […]
The Middle Harbour Amateur Sailing Club has raced centreboard dinghies from its premises at The Spit for over 50 years. The Club started racing Laser class dinghies in 1976 and has produced many fine sailors, including: Glenn Bourke, triple World Champion 1988 to 1990 Michael Blackburn, 2006 World Laser Champion. Olympic representative, Atlanta 1996, Sydney 2000 (Bronze Medal) and Athens 2004. 2004 World Laser Radial Champion Gabrielle King, triple World Youth Champion 2007 to 2008 Peter Heywood, 2005, 2007, 2008, […]
Middle Harbour 16ft Skiff Club
The Manning River Sailing Club can be found in William Wynter Drive Taree, Regional NSW, Australia. It is located just off the main road, behind KFC and next to the Rowing Club. Facilities available include: Facilities for Members with Disabilities Abundant rigging area, large launching ramp Cement boat ramp, carpark, and pontoon style wharf Change-rooms Hall upstairs for hire Kitchen facilities upstairs Expansive river view from the balcony, kitchen and Sailing Control Room and A disabled access ramp has […]
Welcome to the Shediac Bay Yacht Club. Incorporated in 1933, we are a non-profit, member controlled club. SBYC is located in south-east New Brunswick, Canada, on the west coast of the Northumberland Strait, the body of water between New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. We offer you friendly and efficient bilingual (English and French) service. The Club operates a marina and a Sailing School, promotes racing, organizes cruises and social events. The marina can accommodate up to 170 boats (sail […]
It pretty much started in my garage, I was building a sail boat when Dick Quinton dropped by and mentioned that there were a few guys that were thinking of starting a yacht club at the beach. He inquired as to the boat I was building, which was an Enterprise. The long and short of it was that Kildonan canoe were starting to build Enterprises hence that made the decision easy there were seven including mine. We built the little […]
The Victoria Cruising Club originally started as the Victoria Outboard Club in 1956. Members’ vessels were not very large but they managed to go cruising none the less (complete with small family members and the usual pet). Around 1970 the Club’s name was changed to the “Victoria Cruising Club”. The Victoria Cruising Club maintains a maximum of 75 members plus 8 Associate members and 7 Honorary members. With 75 vessels on the roster we can pretty well take up most […]
Welcome to Turkey Head Sailing Association The objectives of the Turkey Head Sailing Association are to: To provide fun, low-key sailing events year round; To hold monthly club socials from September to June where members and guests can gather; To give everyone an opportunity to experience sailing; To welcome novice sailors and provide an environment in which to experience sailing; To provide an opportunity for everyone to improve their sailboat racing and boating skills, while still having lots of fun; […]
The Squamish Windsports Society (SWS) is a non-profit society, registered in 1988 in the Province of British Columbia, Canada. The SWS was created to secure access to the southern tip of the Squamish River training dyke for recreational windsurfers. Today the SWS hosts windsurfers, kite sailors, spectators and others. Dyke access is conditional on the SWS holding liability insurance to indemnify the Crown and District of Squamish. Without this indemnification access would be terminated. The Society employs up to three […]
Welcome to the Royal Victoria Yacht Club With over 120 years of rich history, the RVYC is the oldest yacht club in western Canada. Our main clubhouse and marina is located on the protected waters of Cadboro Bay, while our Tsehum Harbour marina is located along the premium shores of Sidney’s inner waterfront. Our club offers fun, friendly and affordable atmosphere; a place to race all kinds of sailboats; a place to start your cruise or family adventure; a place […]
The BYC Directory may be found in the Wind Word Newsletter with chair names, phone numbers, and email addresses. If a non-member, you are encouraged to visit our Membership page for more information about joining our club. Also, if you are a past member seeking reinstatement, the Reinstatement Application is also found on the Membership page. Please refer to BYC’s Directory in the Wind Word link above for additional contact email addresses and phone numbers. PAYMENT INFORMATION: If making a payment to the Benicia […]
Der SCTWV-Achensee wurde 1960 als Sektion des Tiroler Wassersportvereins gegründet und ist seit 1962 Mitglied des österreichischen Segelverbandes. Seit 1973 ist der SCTWV-Achensee ein selbständiger Verein und Mieter des derzeitigen Clubgeländes des Prälatenhofes in Maurach. Das Clubgelände bietet Platz für ca. a hundred and fifty Landliegeplätze, Kran, Schrägaufzug und Slipanlage. Weiters befinden sich forty Bojen im Clubbesitz. Wir sind ein sportlich orientierter Segelclub, der besonders die Jugend unserer Mitglieder fürs Segeln begeistern möchte, entsprechende Kurse und Lernmöglichkeiten anbietet und in […]
Unsere Freitag Abend Regatten mit fixer Startzeit (17:00), Torstart und zwei zu segelnden Runden sind erfolgreich angelaufen. Am 03.07.2015 und am 10.07.2015 waren drei bzw. fünf Boote am start und nutzten die Gelegenheit für eine Trainingswettfahrt bei jeweils perfekten Segelbedingungen (2-3 Bft. Rosenwind). Die anschließende analyse des Rennverlaufes am Sonnenbankerl am Hafen struggle natürlich mindestens so nett, wie die Regatta selbst…. Wir freuen uns über weitere Teilnehmer an den nächsten Freitagen – es lohnt sich wirklich!!! Näheres in den Berichten […]
Traurig teilen wir mit, dass unser langjähriges Mitglied Uli Stoiber am 28.12.2015 verstorben ist. Sie war nicht nur seit zwanzig Jahren treues Clubmitglied sondern auch engagierte und begeisterte Helferin bei vielen Veranstaltungen. Uli struggle immer zuverlässig und hilfsbereit, wenn die personelle not bei Regatten groß struggle. Jahrelang struggle sie unter den pinnacle 10 der Helferliste zu finden. Wir werden ihr stets in Hochachtung und Dankbarkeit gedenken! Weiter » Frohe Weihnachten! 23.12.2015 Der UYCAs wünscht allen ein besinnliches Fest und einen […]