The Delta Bayliner Club is a friendly, informal group of boat owners who enjoy boating and socializing. Most of our boating takes place on the Sacramento/San Joaquin River Delta. Please cruise through our site, learn about our Club, and review our yearly cruising schedule. If you would like to join us on an outing, please contact us. The Delta Bayliner Club (DBC) was formed in 1983. In 1997, the DBC became members of the Pacific Inter Club Yacht Association (PICYA). […]

Del Rey Yacht Club
The above verbatim quotation from the preamble and first article of the Club’s charter indicates the high hopes of the five organizers (and concurrently the first Board of Directors, first slate of officers, and at the time, the entire Membership) of the new club dedicated “to promote and encourage, as its primary function and purpose, an interest in amateur yachting in all its phases…” The presumptuousness (or vision) of this founding group is further indicated by the choice of the […]

Dana West Yacht Club
The Dana West Yacht Club was established in 1978 with the purpose of providing a social organization for those interested in All Things Water. Located on the island in Dana Point Harbor, we recently completed a major renovation of our clubhouse. We’ve completely rebuilt our kitchen, which serves a fantastic lunch and dinner Thursday through Monday. The bar has views of beautiful ocean sunsets in one direction, and the harbor in the other. For those who want to keep up […]

Dana Point Yacht Club
The history of the Dana Point Yacht Club parallels the growth of South Orange County and the development of the Dana Point Harbor. The yacht club was organized in July 1952 by twenty-five charter members with a common interest in boating. The goal was to provide facilities for open water boat launching within the protection of the Dana Point cove. Malcolm Pierce became the first Commodore. Membership was limited to 100 members and meetings were held in a clubhouse located […]

Coyote Point Yacht Club
Coyote Point Yacht Club History and Background Coyote Point Yacht Club has been an integral part of the Bay Area’s boating community since 1941. The marina was built in the 1940’s, when it served as a US Merchant Marine Cadet School. It later became the first home to the College of San Mateo before becoming a park serving the surrounding community. Friends have been gathering at Coyote Point Yacht Club since it was formed on July 20, 1941. The burgee […]

Cortez Racing Association
The SCYA Midwinter Regatta’s history is packed with legendary sailors and their boats from the early days to the present. In 1928, SCYA and the LA Junior Chamber of Commerce teamed up to sponsor the first Midwinters which was promoted as an example of the sports “paradise” that Southern California offered in the winter. As hoped, the event attracted boats from the Great Lakes, Atlantic Coast and the rest of the Pacific Coast, and some of the best known yachtsmen […]

Corsair Yacht Club
orsair Yacht Club was established on August 14, 1937, so that “…all members may so associate themselves as to secure the maximum pleasure and usefulness of their respective pleasure crafts and through association, further promote good fellowship among members as well as others interested in the field of yachting.” The club celebrated its 70th anniversary on Memorial Day 2007 at Corsair Cove. The club’s facility is located on the West End of Catalina Island at Emerald Bay. Official Club cruises […]

Coronado Yacht Club
Coronado Yacht Club was founded initially in 1913, but was short lived due to World War I. The second beginning took place April 23, 1932, when six Coronado yachtsmen leased a wing of the Hotel del Coronado Boat House and invited new members to join (dues for $10.00 a year). Material for building slips was obtained on credit, and soon many of the 200 new members were working side by side on docks and slips for the Club. The first […]

Coronado Cays Yacht Club
In June 1972, pioneers from the bayside Coronado Cays residential community decided to form a yacht club. Two months later on August 31, a “Formation Day” meeting was held to adopt the Club By-Laws and elect seven directors with Bud Holderness serving as the Club’s first Commodore. Ten days later the Club’s inaugural sail race took place and blossomed into the annual Classic Series of sail races conducted in all seasons of each year. Shortly after, Jeanne and Don Parkinson […]

Corinthian Yacht Club of San Francisco
On March 16, 1886, 32 gentlemen, mostly members of the San Francisco Yacht Club, disappointed that their racing and cruising interests in the “Mosquito Fleet” were being ignored, met at Arion Hall in San Francisco to discuss forming a new yacht club for small boat sailors (boats not to exceed 45 feet). They had been preceded in 1878 by a number of wealthy yachtsmen who left to found the Pacific Yacht Club (disbanded some 15 years later) following strong disagreement […]

Convair Sailing Club
The Convair Sailing Club is a unique organization in the world of sailing clubs. First: it is not a commercial business. It is a group of folks banded together to enjoy sailing and “messing about in boats”. It is wholly owned by the members themselves and has no paid employees or officers. Costs of the Club are covered by an annual registration fee and a very small boat use fee, apportioned as the boats are used. Originally, the club was […]

Chula Vista Yacht Club
Chula Vista Yacht Club… provides something for everyone. Activities include racing, cruising, raft-ups, dinghy parades, poker rallies, fishing tournaments, sailing, kayaking, and educational programs for all ages. Considered the “friendliest yacht club on the bay”, CVYC has many social events for you to enjoy and camaraderie with like-minded friends. We have charity events, dances, parties, dart competitions, karaoke, seminars, amateur shows, and movies to name a few.

Cerritos Bahia Yacht Club
CBYC is a cruising club founded in 1967. We have a charming marina location where we hold port events, hang out with friends and hold formal ceremonies. Check back often for news and information regarding Port Functions, Fleet Events and much more! PHOTOS: Visit our Flickr site for recent photos. Find the ones you like and download them for yourself

Catalina Island Yacht Club
Santa Catalina Island has been inhabited for at least 8000 years. At the time of first European contact in 1542, it is thought that the Native Americans living on Santa Catalina Island called their island Pimu and themselves Pimungans (or Pimuvit). In 1542 the Pimungans greeted the Spanish galleon that bore the explorer Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo to their shores. Thus began the start of the Spanish discovery of the Island. In 1602, on November 24, the eve of St. Catherine’s […]

Capital City Yacht Club
Welcome to the official web-site for Capital City Yacht Club , Sacramento’s enthusiastic club of fun-loving recreational boaters. We’re glad you stopped by and hope you spend a moment to check out our new site. Whether you’re a salty old veteran or a newcomer to boating, we welcome you to catch a glimpse of the fun that’s had on the rivers and sloughs of Sacramento as a member of CCYC . If you like what you see, inquire about becoming […]

California Yatch Club
California Yacht Club was started in 1922 in Los Angeles harbor by a group of dedicated yachtsman – most from Los Angeles Athletic Club and the rest active in other early yacht clubs of the day. They built a magnificent clubhouse with an anchorage of several hundred sail and power boats. Offshore speedboat contests and long distance cruising were active pursuits as well as sailing ‘ round the buoys. CYC’s trophy case was filled to bursting early on and the […]

California Carver Club
The California Carver Club is an on-the-water “paper” boating club dedicated to the cruising and enjoyment of the CARVER brand boat on the waterways of the Sacramento – San Joaquin Delta and the San Francisco Bay. We enjoy six cruise-outs a year: Change of Watch; Prop Banger; Summer Solstice; Mystery Cruise; Hot Summer Nights; Autumn Solstice; and the Officers’ Cruise. Cruise leaders pick the themes and destinations. We are . . . A Club for Carver Owners and Friends A Club designed for the enjoyment of cruising, […]

Caliente Isle Yacht Club
If you are looking to re-ignite those magical feelings that got us all into boating and cruising, the members of Caliente Isle Yacht Club (CIYC) invite you to cruise with us! Caliente Isle Yacht Club was founded in 1967 to promote family boating and social activities. We are a friendly, active, all volunteer boat club. Our social calendar includes cruise-outs, raft-ups, BBQ’s, dinner parties, and many other fun-filled events both on and off the water. We’ve transitioned to a cruising […]

Cal Sailing Club
Most universities that are located near large bodies of water have a single sailing facility which serves multiple functions. These usually include sailing instruction, recreational sailing, and intercollegiate competitive sailing. Up until about 1970, this was the case at U.C. Berkeley. A single organization served all the sailing-related needs of the University community. But at that time the U.C. Racing Team, the U.C. Physical Education Department’s sailing classes, and the Cal Sailing Club split into three separate organizations, each using […]

Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club
Founded in 1932 Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club was established amid the enthusiasm for small boat racing sparked by the 1932 Olympic Games in Los Angeles. It was nurtured by such individuals as D.C. Shumway of the Los Angeles Recreation Department and Max Miller, our first Commodore. They wanted to create a club that maintained a low cost through the cooperative efforts of the membership. This spirit of enthusiasm and cooperation has been a hallmark of CBYC throughout the ensuing years. […]