Business name : Sailing Adventure Club

n the summer of 1987, a couple of single ladies bought a sailboat to enjoy Lake Pleasant, but they didn’t exactly know how to sail. So, they advertised in a local newspaper asking for single people to join and teach them. They received lots of replies from a number of interested, and interesting, people. After a few lessons, parties, picnics, and such, they decided to call themselves the “Single Sailors” Club. The ladies served as the Commodore and First Mate, with a small “Board” of assistants. Within a few years, others took over responsibility for the Club and the total number of members rose to 50, most with boats on local lakes. They sailed Bartlett Lake, Roosevelt Lake, and Lake Pleasant, as well as Rocky Point, Mexico and more. Over time, the group decided they needed to incorporate. In 1995, “Single Sailors” was incorporated with bylaws, rules and waivers, and formal membership. Over time, as members married and didn’t want to leave, the Club opened to both single and married members. A contest to find a new name resulted in the “Sailing Adventure Club” in 1997.
Today, the Sailing Adventure Club is a social club based in the area of Phoenix, Arizona with activities ranging from local sailing, and non-sailing, events to out-of-country sailing adventures. We are no longer a singles group, but Beware… to date, 10 couples have met and married within the Club!

Officers and a Board of Directors manage the Club consistent with our Constitution and Bylaws. Election of officers and board members is held annually at our January meeting. Officers include:
   Vice-Commodore (and Membership Director)
   Website Director
   Newsletter Editor
   Blue Water Director – [out-of-town sail events]
   Freshwater Director – [local sail events]
   Social / Activities Director
   Publicity Director
   and, the Rear Commodore
International Trips are coordinated by a separate volunteer coordinator, as trip planning and coordination does not match the term of office for officers and directors. Our Chapter documents can be viewed through the following links.