Business name : Saint Lucia Yacht and Sailing Club
Team Tournament. We will have between 4 – 6 teams participating – awaiting confirmation of sponsorship of teams. This tournament is always interesting and exciting as players are allocated to represent their sponsored team and each participant competes in their sponsor’s t shirt. All persons participating are ranked and allocated to a team which consists of players of mixed levels and ages. Players win points for each game they win during their match to determine the winning team. This year the Association plans to add a new twist to the tournament. On the last evening of the tournament, all competitors will have to participate in a games evening when they can win more points for their team.
More details will be shared soon however all interested squash players should sign up at the club if you want to join in the fun
Two fund raising activities have already been confirmed on the ‘Freewinds’ cruise ship. These are two movie nights on February 11th at 7 pm and February 26 at 6.30pm. We will announce the names of the movies soon and tickets will be on sale from squash players and at the Yacht Club. The contribution will be $20 for the movie on the cruise ship and includes a drink and a cup of popcorn and all monies go to the Association. The Freewinds have been extremely instrumental in helping the Association to raise funds in the past and we are so happy they have offered their beautiful ship to us again.