Business name : Spinnaker Yacht Club
In the beginning it was the San Leandro Sailing Club. A group of students were taking a class in piloting given by the Peralto Power Squadron at San Leandro High School In 1967.
A discussion was held on the possibility of forming a family orientated sailing club. An ad was placed in the newspaper inviting anyone interested in forming such a club to meet at the San Leandro Library on January 13, 1967. Eighty five people attended the meeting and subsequently the club was formed in February 1967.
The first year was busy with by-laws written by Howard Robinson and attorney Pete Lojo. In March 1967 Leverne Onstad designed the burgee. The club was on its way with forty four members in April 1967.
The club was operated by five officers and six board members. The “chair system” is used to elevate officers from Rear to Vice to Commodore each year.
The club is a “do-it-yourself” club with everyone pulling some form of duty during the year. We do our own maintenance, galley, and bar work as part of the duty. In addition, since the mid ’80’s, Spinnaker members have been volunteering to work the security positions at the two yearly Boat Shows in the Alameda Estuary. Money earned goes to the treasury and helps keep the dues down.
Over the years the racing, which was a big part of the club activity in the early years, has diminished so that now we mostly do cruise outs and host cruise ins.
Since June 3, 1995, Spinnaker Yacht Club has taught a Junior Sailing Program, where all boats, equipment, and books are supplied for a nominal fee. Since August 2003 an Adult Sailing Class has been taught by members with many years of sailing experience.
Monthly dinner meetings are held at the club where plans and finances are discussed.
There are three main events the club hosts each year. The Kaimanu Hawaiian outrigger Canoe Races for both men and women are hosted by the club in August. The Lighted Boat Parade takes place in the Marina at Christmas time, and the Change of Watch Dinner is in November, where the new flag officers and board are installed for the following year.
Our dues are among the most favorable in the area, we are debt free and enjoy a good reputation in the boating community.
We remain today a friendly, sociable family boating club and a desirable place for cruise ins. We also rent out the Club for special occasions.